Pastoral Address For more than half a century I have preached standing behind a pulpit. But my sermons are not based on scripts. But that does not mean that whenever I stand behind the pulpit, I babble aimlessly, speaking whatever comes to my mind like the so called “direct revelations” that some people claim. I have preached throughout my entire life based on what I know and have prepared. I am not saying that I am a genius. I do not memorize full sermons or large passages of scripture. But this is an age when everyone treats everyone else with disdain, and hence no matter how much I try to explain the power of sermons, nobody tries to understand. I do not preach because I am a genius. I preach by the inspiration God has given me. That is the same with all the many books I have written. Do you think that I have written so many books because I am a genius? Since the beginning there is no rest for the stream of water that springs from the Rock as it is written in the wo...
Showing posts from October, 2017
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2017 Sungrak Summer Camp: “Jesus Christ’s Healing and Holy Signs” The 25 th of July marked the start of the annual Summer Camp. The theme this year was Jesus Christ’s Healing and Holy Signs . Despite this year’s Summer Camp being particularly caught up amongst difficult times in the church, the wearied Sungrak people had still been waiting with expectancy several weeks before the camp. The first phase of the Summer Camp (July 25 – 28) took place at the MongSanPo Camp center. Despite the divided state of the church, this year’s Summer Camp turned out to have a large attendance of Sungrak people compared to previous years. Everyone prayed earnestly that their souls, their families, and their church would be restored. Moreover, focusing on the praise ministry of the Ye-Il congregation and the spiritual preaching of overseer Ki-dong Kim, grace was abundantly evident during this 4-day period. During the first phase of the Summer Camp, the ev...
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Why Berea Academy Limitations of Humanistic Theology At Sungrak Church, “the Picture of God’s Will” is a phrase heard everywhere. The Picture of God’s Will is the center of the faith of the congregation at Sungrak Church. Many Christians today try to use God to fulfill their own will instead of devoting themselves to fulfilling the will of God in their lives. These types of people forsake their faith when things appear to be going against their own will. They say that believing in God does not profit them in life. These people fail to understand the reason why God created the heavens and the earth, why God sent Jesus Christ to the world, why God sent the Holy Spirit to the saints, and what God desires from each of the saints. The fact that Christians these days are overly self-centered and filled with humanistic theology in their spiritual lives is no surprise considering that Christian doctrines during the Reformation were developed with the sole focus on the salvation of man. ...
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Berea commissioners are the source of blessing Jesus bore our curse on the cross that we might receive the blessing Abraham had received from God. “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:13~14). The blessing we have received is the blessing God had promised to Abraham. God not only blessed him but also made him the source of blessing so that through him all might be blessed. “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:2~3). Christians are the people who are not content at being blessed themselves only; they ...
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Feedbacks from Manipur, India: After reading Semuon’s books 1. It was one of my best opportunities to reshape my life only when I read some books of Pastor Kim of Korea. It feels as though my life shines for good. I think that Christians are proselytizing other religions’ followers. Pure Luck Does Not Exist, God’s Signs Do is my favorite book. Blessings Pastor Kim. From Bina Devi of Moirang, India 2. It has been 40 years since I became a Christian. Being an evangelist, I was often attacked by many Hindu leaders on doctrinal grounds. Their God is Krisna or Siva or Naran. They claim that the God of the Christians or Muslims or Hindus or any other religions has the same identity, power, instinct etc, but different appearances due to different dispensations. The Hindus believe in the incarnation of human souls and even the soul of God in different times. It thus makes a big problem for us to make them a complete aware through our personal talks with them. Ki-dong Kim’s messag...