Berea Academy Graduation Service
On February 4th, there was a 45th Berea Academy graduation service. In Korea, 454 from basic courses, 92 advanced courses, and 21 intensive courses were graduated, and a total of 281 have graduated from the overseas center of Berea Academy including China.
General Introduction of Berea Academy
The reason Sungrak Church emphasizes the annihilation of the devil and devotion to God is because we understand the will of God deeply. The Bible reveals the will of God. However, though people read the Bible today, they fail to understand the will of God because they do not know how to read the word of God. In order to see a distant object, you need binoculars; to see microscopic objects, you need a microscope. Likewise, you need the proper lenses to view the Bible. Berea Academy established by Pastor Ki-Dong Kim in 1976 is a Bible teaching institute that prescribes the precise lenses to view the Bible and the will of God.The faith of the Bereans in Acts 17:11-12 is the model of Berea Academy. The people of Berea daily examined the Bible in order to see if Jesus whom Paul preached about is the Christ prophesied in the Bible, and as a result, gained faith through the Scriptures. The noble attitude and mind displayed by the Bereans is a mirror for the people who criticize others for living according to the Bible and following the Bible because it doesn’t fit their dogmatics.
Berea Academy is made up of 52 lectures which are taught over four semesters for two years. The first two semesters cover the topic of “The Proper Lens to View the Bible,” third semester, “The Picture of God’s Will,” and the last semester, “The Mediation of the Gospel.” There are several common factors among people who came to know God’s will through Berea Academy. First, they see the reality of the spiritual realm. Second, they desire to dedicate their lives for the fulfillment of God’s will. Third, they can preach the word of God according to the God’s will solely based on the Bible. Fourth, the signs and wonders promised by Jesus would follow in their ministry.
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