Letter from Bulgaria_Issue 4

Dear Sungrak Bereans!
Me and my wife as well as other Bereans here in Burgas are completely sure that we cannot find a Bible based teaching like Berea anywhere else in the world. This is a perfectly God-centered teaching of Gospel that indeed enables us to prepare for our Lord’s second coming!! In other words, this teaching is “Life-saving Word!”

We are fully convinced about this! You are very blessed and it is a great honor for us to be part of the Berea Movement! 
Though you are now passing through some spiritual turbulence, believe me, God will make the true Sungrak people and Bereans the forerunners of His work, and Yahushua Hamashiach will grant your church the power to overcome any further turbulence and ready for His kingdom. May God richly heal, recover and bless all of you as never before.  Let all be qualified as the bride to the Bridegroom!

He evangelizes and baptizes just as God has commanded us.

From Bereans in Bulgaria


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