You can see when you respect.

The first semester of the Berea Academy lectured by Semuon, the pastor Ki-Dong Kim can be divided into three big categories. The first three lessons belong to the first category, and they mainly deal with the subject of ‘Bible'. The fouth through the sixth lesson falls into the second category, which deals with ‘the Law and the Gospel.’ The third category is the remainder, which deals with Three Spiritual Beings manifested in the Bible. However, there is a conspicuous branch. Lesson 7. Depending on the sources, its given title varies. Some sources say that the title is: History of the Bible from Abraham to Jesus, and other sources have different titles. Thus, this particular lesson has been left a bit confusing in relation to its content and the title, which seems to be far removed from any previous or subsequent flow.

However, in the seventh lesson, he clearly wrote the title on the chalkboard: Three Spiritual Beings manifested in the Bible. In general, people think the series of lectures on the “three spiritual beings” begins with Lesson 8: ‘God.’ But, if you give more credit to Semuon, you should consider Lesson 7 as the beginning of the third category. Some say, Semuon had originally "planned" to lecture on three spiritual beings and that was why he wrote it as the title on the chalkboard; however, he was carried away and ended up lecturing something else. This is misunderstanding.

Then, what does Semuon really deal about in Lesson 7? Before the lesson 7, Semuon has constantly emphasized on thorough examination of the Bible. What does thorough examination means then? He is repeatedly emphasizing on seeing the big picture. With an example of a thick book, which he read as young: Crownprince Maui, he recounts the reason he was so drawn to the book despite of its imposing volume. He says it was due to the way of the stories related cohesively to each other in a consistent flow of development. And that was why he was compelled to read it until he finished that night and story told to other people.  

The fun of reading the Bible comes when you discover the existing connections between the stories, which seem unrelated, and see the whole thing in one big picture.

Nevertheless, the content of the Bible is not at all like that. Even for those who have read the Bible many times cover to cover, storytelling of the bible will be impossible. The fun of reading the Bible comes when you discover the existing connections between the stories, which seem unrelated, and see the whole thing in one big picture. Then how can we have such an excellent perspective?

The answer lies in “Three Spiritual Beings manifested in the Bible.” When you can see the spiritual realities shown in the Bible, or when you can understand the interaction between spiritual beings, the various events and stories of the Bible can be connected as if threading beads. In other words, the fun of reading the Bible comes when you can see the Bible as a big picture, and you will be able to see the big picture when you understand the spiritual world. 

In lesson 7, as if storytelling a book, he introduces the Bible in a very casual way. From the story of Abraham to David, the conflicts between Judah and Israel, and finally the agreement of the Spirit and Truth through Jesus Christ, Semuon is depicting all of these as if he is plainly looking at a picture, not fragments of cryptic stories. This is possible because he sees the Bible in one big picture, and he can do that because he discovered the spiritual beings manifested in the Bible. 

If you have respected the inspiration of Semuon who wrote the title "Three Spiritual Beings manifested in the Bible" at the beginning of Lesson 7, though you may have confused at first, you would have endeavored to understand the contents in relation to the title. Without the respect, one will be misled to think of the lecture as a mere byproduct of improvisation and this paramount introduction of the third category will be left undiscovered.

Pastor Ki-Tae Lee, Sungrak Mission Center



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