Letter from China_Issue 4

I am a pastor of New Testament Berea Church in China. Our church was founded three years ago. I accepted the Lord in 2008 and started my faith life thankfully in at Berea Church, and my faith matured as I listen to sermons from you, Pastor Ki-Dong Kim. Especially after studying Berea Academy, I realized just how important the words taught in Berea are. Through the study, everyone I studied with were set free from blind obedience, ignorance, religion, idolatry, mysticism, and the captivity of the law. Pastor, you have suffered severe persecution from other denominations, worse yet, by some of your own church members as you are carrying out the mission of Berea Movement. But God loves you. People in the world are being blessed through you.

Though I have never met you, I know you so well through your sermons, books and letters. To me, you are the greatest pastor I have ever met. I am the most blessed person to have experienced this strong, honest, and sincere paternal love as well as the humble, obedient, and tender maternal love from you. I love you and admire you Pastor Kim.  
I am proud that you are my shepherd. To buy land for church building, you toiled by visiting the loan officer of the bank twenty-one times until your eyebrows turned all white; for 10 souls to come to your newly planted church, you endeavored in prayer constantly day and night; to heal the sick, you suck the puss out of a leper’s foot; you put pebbles in your mouth to be Semuon -- though I see I do not speak. How I desire to be just like you!
I learned gratitude, faithfulness and perseverance from you. Pastor, how I long to meet you! How I long to tell you that we are a Berean Church too, that we are Bereans too and that we are your fruit. It is my sincere desire to make you happy, comfort you, and show our gratitude for your teachings.

In light of what is happening in our mother church, we can see how much the devil hates and is jealous of you Pastor Kim. I want to protect you, and at times I’m so concerned about you but I know you are strong, bold, steadfast, and unswerving like the Pine-Bamboo-Rock.  

During all this, I stand beside you and support you. I want to be with my mother church during the times of sufferings or joy. I want to share the persecution for Berea Movement. I am a Berean! I am a Berean, sharing the same responsibility and calling with you!
How can I ever repay you for your teachings and caring? I will work more earnestly for the ministry by making more disciples and bearing more fruit. Ever since we first planted our church, we pray for you pastor, your wife, and your son Pastor Sung-Hyun Kim at every dawn prayer meeting. We are also constantly praying for the current situation of our mother church.  

Pastor Kim, thank you for the calligraphy you have written for our church -- The Blood of Life, the Blessing in All. Thank you for your blessing. We have it framed and hung in our church. Just as you have written, I will rely on the blood of Jesus, I will not forget the grace of the Lord, and I will serve Him in gratefulness until the end. Since God is my Father, I will think of the work of the Father, and I will fulfill His work through our church. I will never be ungrateful. I will never grieve you.  

Happy birthday Pastor Kim. We pray for health and peace for you and your wife. 

Minister Chang, New Testament Berea Church

June 14, 2017


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